Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015 Annual Meeting for the Corporation


This post serves as official notice for the upcoming 2015 Annual Meeting of the NJE Corporation. We will be having this year's meeting in conjunction with Formal at the Seaview in Absecon, NJ on Saturday, April 18th, 2015. The exact time and location of the meeting are still to be determined, so keep an eye out for a follow up email with the details. The meeting will more than likely be starting around 10:00 AM - noon, and last a few hours through lunch time, if that helps you all with your early planning. We encourage all brothers to attend the meeting to find out what has happened with the chapter and the corporation from this prior year and to have an impact on the direction of the chapter and corporation for the upcoming year. Even if you are not attending the Formal, we do hope you can make the trip to Seaview for this meeting and to hang out with the brotherhood for a little while prior to formal.

The main agenda items for the meeting are as follows:
  1. Officer reports
  2. Voting on amendments for the bylaws
  3. New Business
  4. Election of new officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary)
I will touch on each of these below. If you have any questions regarding any of this, please reply to this email and we will get back to you. Also, I have created a Facebook page for the event (linked to our alumni group), so if you prefer to use Facebook, you can use this link instead: 

Officer Reports
All officer reports are due to Brother Pocaro by April 5th. Once received, we will email them out and post them to the Facebook group by April 12th, giving everyone roughly a week to read through them prior to the meeting.

According to our bylaws, all proposed amendments need to have been received 1 month prior to the meeting. Since the official notice with the updated bylaws is just going out now, please send your proposed amendments to us ASAP. We will provide a deadline of April 1st to submit your amendments (next Wednesday). When proposing an amendment, please email with the subject line "Proposed Amendment". Once all amendments are obtained and formatted, we will email them out for everyone to review and/or submit their proxy votes. Proxy votes are due by April 11th and should be sent to with the subject "Amendment Proxy Vote". Your proxy votes should either be Yes/In Favor, No/Against, or Obstain. If you believe there to be a problem with the amendment, feel free to voice your opinion, but do realize that no modifications will be made to the amendment after they are submitted and sent out. If this should affect your vote, we recommend that you obstain and let the brotherhood in attendance at the meeting work on the details and potentially table the motion for a later vote.

New Business
This portion of the meeting will be for the general membership to bring up their concerns and ideas for new business for the upcoming year. If you have a motion or want to see something discussed, this would be the time to do so. If you are not going to be in attendance at the meeting and would like something to be discussed, please email your topic with the subject "New Business" and we will bring it up at the meeting. Please be sure to include as much detail as possible to describe the topic and issue.

Election of New Officers
Nominations are open for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Each position is a Board of Trustee and is a 2 year term. Brothers Pocaro and Pelletier will be stepping down from the Board and are not running for any positions, therefore, we will definitely need 2 brothers to fill their vacancies. A list of currently nominated brothers will be sent out by April 4th. Nominations may still be submitted after this point, all the way up to and including at the meeting. It is highly recommended that you submit your nominations prior to April 4th to be included in the list of nominees for proxy voters. All proxy votes for the election of new officers must be received by April 11thand should be sent to with the subject "Election Proxy Vote". When submitting your proxy vote for elections, please rank the candidates in the order of your preference. We will utilize the trickle down rule in case a brother you voted for drops his nomination or is elected into another office. You can choose to not include a brother if you do not want your vote to go to them at all. For example: Brothers A, B, C, D, and E are all running for President. You may vote "C, E, B" and leave out A and D. In this situation, brother C would get your vote first, then trickle down to brother E, then brother B, and if all of those brothers are no longer valid, no one would get your vote (A and D would not receive your vote).

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