Thursday, September 5, 2013

Brother Interview: Rich Rozycki '00

This post kicks off the first in a new series of weekly posts which are designed to reconnect us to our alumni brethren who we may not have heard from or spoken to in some time. Since this is the inaugural post, we decided it would be fitting to highlight chapter founder and badge number 1, Rich Rozycki! Come back every week for a new post on another brother! If there are questions you would like to see asked in addition to or instead of the questions posted here, please email with the subject line "Brother Interviews" and post your question in the description.

Basic Stuff: 
1. Your name, as you would prefer it to be stated? 
Rich Rozycki

2. Your current location? 
Scotch Plains, NJ

3. Your Facebook/Twitter account links? 
Facebok: RCRozycki | Twitter: @rcrozycki

Fraternity Stuff: 
4. Badge Number? 

5. Pledge Class Name? 
No technical name. Founding Class (I guess) 

6. Fraternity Nickname, if you remember it? 

7. Story behind how you got your nickname, if you remember it?
My name got misspelled in the Shield, they left the R off my name… then it happened again in an on campus publication. Early on, we were not very good at the nickname thing… 

8. Your fondest memory of being a Phi Psi?
Spending hours putting together our Charter Application. Although everyone helped contribute to the application, Chaty and I spent many, many, many hours in my Apartment in Mansion Park putting together the final presentation. It was quite an accomplishment.

9. Your most embarrassing moment as a Phi Psi?
I had to take off my shirt in the Greek God competition… also competing that year was Shaun T of the Insanity Workout… I think I was standing next to him. 

10. Your proudest moment as a Phi Psi? 
Signing our Charter 

11. Any unique memories from your time as a Phi Psi?
Being there from the beginning will always be a special and unique memory for me. 

12. Any fraternal advice you would give to an undergraduate Phi Psi today?
Our Fraternity is truly distinct… take advantage of all it has to offer. The bonds of brotherhood, the global connections, and the life time opportunity to share experiences and knowledge to the undergrads who continue to join our strong band.

Career Stuff: 
13. Year you graduated from Rowan? 

14. Degree(s) you graduated Rowan with?
BA in Radio/TV/Film Production 

15. Any advanced degrees or certifications you have? 

16. Your current occupation?
Senior Director & Project Manager, Global OU Services @ Encompass Digital Media 

17. Number of years in that occupation?
I have been at Encompass for 18 months. Prior to that I was an Operations Manager at ABC News. 

18. Any career advice you would give to an undergraduate Phi Psi today?
Work on face to face communication. Facebook, Twitter and Texting have definitely had a negative impact on the art of verbal communication. I have personally interviewed individuals with amazing resumes, but had horrible face to face communication skills. This was a big factor in why they did not get the job.

Relationships/Family/Personal Stuff: 
19. Are you currently in a relationship?
If so, with who and for how long? My wife, Linda and I have been married for 7 years. 

20. Do you have kids? If so, how old and their names?
We have one son, Jackson and another baby due on October 22nd.

21. Hobbies that you are currently into? What do you like to do in your spare time?
I play the guitar and I am very much into music. Lately, my spare time is very much occupied by my son. 

22. Anything you would like to share with other brothers through the blog regarding your relationship/family/personal life?
Being a father has proven to be the most challenging yet rewarding thing I have ever done. It presents you with the most unique set of circumstances but provides you with a sense of fulfillment that has no equal. I made a decision about two years ago to change my career path to allow me to spend more time at home with my family. It was hard to walk away from a job I loved, but it has turned out to be a great choice. I enjoy my new job, but I truly cherish the opportunity to watch my son grow up. Follow your heart, but make sure your head double checks where your heart is leading you.

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