Thursday, October 22, 2015

Brother Interview: Eric Seckinger '13

This week's brother interview is on brother Eric Seckinger '13!

Basic Stuff: 
1. Your name, as you would prefer it to be stated?  
Eric Seckinger

2. Your current location?
Hamilton, NJ

3. Your Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn account links (or other websites as well)?
I do not have a Twitter account

Fraternity Stuff: 
4. Badge Number? 

5. Pledge Class Name? 
Alpha Alpha

6. Fraternity Nickname, if you remember it? 
Double Bro Seven

7. Story behind how you got your nickname, if you remember it? 
I was pretty boring during my pledging semester so I didn't give my big, Sean Kennedy, much to work with. I don't know if there was an actual story behind it though.

8. Your fondest memory of being a Phi Psi? 
After I pledged Phi Psi in Spring of 2013, I became a virtual ghost and actually went inactive the following year. During the following Spring semester, I realized I missed Phi Psi and wanted to come back. That summer, I made it official that I was coming back. At my first meeting back in the Fall, the gavel came to me for words for the good. I told everyone that it had been over a full year since I last held it and I knew that it would feel good to say the next few words: "Proud to be a Brother." I remember the room erupted with clapping and cheering, and I knew then that I made the right decision. Looking back at this past year, I have no regrets coming back and it definitely was one of the best decisions I made.

9. Your most embarrassing moment as a Phi Psi? 
It wasn't as an undergrad, but my graduation party was probably my most embarrassing moment. My neighbor played the bagpipes for me and my friend Mr. Williams visited me while he played. Ask me personally if you want to know the full story.

10. Your proudest moment as a Phi Psi? 
(See "fondest memory")

11. Any unique memories from your time as a Phi Psi? 
Not really a memory, but my experience of pledging and immediately going inactive gave me the early experience as an alumnus. I was lucky because when I came back the following year, I was able to enjoy myself so much more than I had my pledging semester because I already had a glimpse of what I would lose when I graduated. I got an early taste of "You don't know what you've got till it's gone." 

12. Any fraternal advice you would give to an undergraduate Phi Psi today? 
My advice is to enjoy your time as an undergrad, actually make it out to events, and remember that we are all brothers and are all here for one another. If you ever need anything, just ask.

13. When was the last time you visited Rowan or the chapter? 
May 2015 when I graduated

14. What is favorite event the chapter holds? 

15. Who's the 1 brother you want to reconnect with / see interviewed here? 
Ken Sears (already interviewed)

16. Name 1 friend you made in NJE you still keep in touch with...
Too many to name since I just graduated and feel like I am still really close to a bunch of brothers.

Career Stuff: 
17. Year you graduated from Rowan? 

18. Degree(s) you graduated Rowan with? 
Civil Engineering

19. Any advanced degrees or certifications you have? 
Nothing official yet

20. Your current occupation? 
Civil Engineer Trainee with the NJ Department of Transportation

21. Number of years in that occupation? 
Less than 1

22. Any career advice you would give to an undergraduate Phi Psi today? 
Get an internship in your field ASAP. It doesn't matter if you have the coursework to know what you are doing in your field because you learn so much more in the work place. If anything, the internship experience will give you a huge boost in the classroom setting.

23. What's one piece of advice you'd give every undergraduate about networking?
"Who cares what alumni think, they don't go to school anymore." Even if you have differing perspectives of what alumni have to say about certain chapter issues, remember that they can be one of your greatest resources for networking. Once you get on their bad side, you just lost one of the biggest advantages Greek life could give you. While I am not saying to be a brown-noser and do every single thing every alumni tells you to do, I am saying that you should always at least listen to their advice, act respectful, and remember that they just want to make sure the chapter survives.

Relationships/Family/Personal Stuff: 
24. Are you currently in a relationship? If so, with who and for how long? 
Happily single

25. Do you have kids? If so, how old and their names? 
Nope, Happy Not-a-Father's Day!

26. Hobbies that you are currently into? What do you like to do in your spare time? 
Prepping for a half marathon at the end of September.

I love hockey, I'll go to a Flyers game any day of the week and would gladly participate in a pick-up game. Basically anything that keeps me active and moving around.

27. Anything you would like to share with other brothers through the blog regarding your relationship/family/personal life?
Not that I can think of, but feel free to ask!

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